Finding the sock in the middle of all this chaos in less than 20 seconds, only the most attentive can do it

If you like solving visual challenges, there are plenty of them on the web like this one which features a very common object, a sock. An almost infinite variety awaits you among hidden objects, optical illusions, visual deceptions of all kinds. These are hobbies that are generally useful for training the brain in moments of pure leisure. In practice, you can have fun and at the same time train your mind and your power of observation.

These types of hobbies are very popular, especially to take a break and have a moment of relaxation, perhaps during your break from work or to challenge your friends to see who is the best and most attentive.

This may be harder than you think. Sometimes these are real headaches that can make you waste a few minutes looking for the solution. Players who are truly gifted with great intelligence and a very keen sense of observation are those who normally manage to complete this type of challenge quickly.

The only limit to the current challenge is that of time. The picture below shows a very messy room, really a big mess where you can see everything and more. The girl who owns said room hasn’t yet found the sock that goes with the one she’s already wearing.

Find this sock in all the authentic chaos that the room presents. It can’t be just any sock! You still have 20 seconds left to arrive victorious at the end of this fun visual challenge.

Clues ? If the 20 seconds are up, no problem, you can always keep reading to see the solution or to get a little more help and try again. We can tell you that: 1. the sock is not on the bed, 2. you I won’t even find it in the wardrobe, 3. is near other clothes of the same colors.

Solution: Where was the sock?

How’s it going? Have you found the sock and want to check that you have located the right place? We will communicate the solution soon, indicating the position of the sock, using the image in which the sock is circled. It was on the ground, it’s always been there! And where could it be?

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