Today, Mireille is 77 years old, lives alone in her house, looks great and sometimes gives interviews. The Frenchwoman revealed the secret of her beauty.
Young years
The future singer Mireille Mathieu was born in July 1946. She had 13 brothers and sisters.
As she is the eldest child, she has to help a lot at home and work.
The singer does not hide that at school she was doubly gifted, but this is not thanks to her abilities, but because of her first teacher.
Mireille was left-handed. When the young girl picked up a pen with her left hand, the teacher would hit her on that hand to accustom her to writing with her right hand.
But all this causes the young schoolgirl to start stuttering while reading. Soon, she found herself in the back offices, in Kamchatka. She ends up no longer listening to her teacher. But all this left its mark.
This is how, at the age of 13, Mireille Mathieu left school to go work in a factory where she made envelopes.
The family lived very poorly, so additional income was not superfluous. And when the eighth child arrived in the family, they finally gave him a four-room apartment.
Mireille Mathieu gets her talent from her father. He, with the voice of an opera singer, often makes music at home.
Mireille sings a duet with her father, in the church choir. His first public performance, in 1965, caused a stir. The producers sign a contract with the girl’s father. From that day on, she began to study professional singing.
The life of Mireille Mathieu today
In the fall of 2022, the singer is going on an international tour for her jubilee. She also went to Russia, where she gave several concerts.
She performs notably in Saint Petersburg, in the Oktyabrsky concert hall. This event took place in November 2022.
Then the singer was supposed to participate in the Moscow Spasskaya Tower festival, but due to all the known events related to Ukraine, the singer refused to participate in this event.
She admits, however, that she loves Ukrainians and Russians and that Russia is still dear to her. The star calls for negotiations between the presidents of the two countries and says the word “war” should be removed from the dictionary.
Private life
Mireille Mathieu would marry twice. The first time, in the 80s. She had an affair with a famous and very rich businessman.
In 1983, he proposed to her. But he didn’t want Mathieu to continue singing. Because now she would be well off and family would come first.
But Mireille left her fiancé less than a week before the wedding.
The second chosen one, who was with Guerlain Olivier Eshodmezon, a legendary beautician, the singer left when she had already ordered a wedding dress.
Rumor has it that she had an affair with Alain Delaunon, and that she had something to do with Charlie Chaplin himself.
But the singer does not give candid interviews. She declares: “I don’t talk about my private life”.