He grew in size and stopped taking care of himself. The boy from Terminator is unrecognisable

The young Terminator actor Edward Furlong is 46 years old. After the release of the cult film, the handsome young man woke up to fame. Edward was undoubtedly the object of adoration for millions of girls in the 90s. At the height of his popularity, the young actor disappeared from the screens. It was as if Furlong didn’t exist.

The rising star was quickly forgotten. But the photo of Edward, altered beyond recognition, went viral, reminding Furlong’s fans of his successful start in cinema.

As it turned out, the young star could not cope with the fame that had descended upon him.

According to an insider, Furlong fell into bad company and began to dabble in “angel dust” (a slang term).

Looking at the enlarged Edward, it’s hard to believe that this is the same handsome boy from the famous film. Did you recognise the actor?

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