Failure before fame: what path did stars take to become famous?

It is not enough to be born into a good family in order to succeed. And being in the right place at the right time is quite a challenge. But if you start going and keep going, success can come. We invite you to find out how many failures were behind these celebrities before they succeeded.

Meryl Streep

Almost all the producers thought that Meryl Streep was too ugly for the screen. Meryl herself believed this and called herself an ugly duckling and an ugly girl with a big mouth. Braces and glasses, which the girl wore for a reason, spoiled her appearance.

But the most unpleasant moment at that time was the casting. The famous producer Dino de Laurentiis, who chose the actors for the film «King Kong», decided that the girl does not know Italian. And he asked his assistants, «Why do we need this freak?». And how surprised was he when the actress answered in pure Italian: «Sorry to disappoint you» — and left the studio. That moment really hurt her ego.

But, 3 years later, after playing a few minor roles, Streep won the lead role in ‘Kramer vs Camera’ and won an Oscar for it.

Today the actress has 3 Oscars and 20 Oscar nominations.

Barbra Streisand

Her big nose and small eyes could not be masked. Barbra never thought of herself as beautiful, but she didn’t want to hear about plastic surgery. She believed she could succeed with her appearance. Her main hook was originality.

The first role required sacrifices. Streisand at the time worked as a cleaner in the theater. To play the main role — a silent medieval Japanese peasant — one had to shave his head. None of the actors agreed to do this. But the girl was not afraid and it allowed opening the door to a successful future.

Now Barbra has two Oscars, and no one can say that the girl is not beautiful.

Benedict Cumberbatch

This actor’s self-criticism is enviable. But it is precisely this that helped him succeed. Every time Benedict was refused a role, he always laughed at his appearance. He understood why he was not taken and always asked: «Is it because I look like an otter? What if it’s my speciality?»

Later, playing the role of Sherlock without expecting «shots» of critics and journalists, he began to laugh at himself and thus beat the weapon out of the hands of detractors. In interviews, he often repeated that he had thought of himself as an otter since childhood. And what was his surprise when after the premiere of «Sherlock Holmes» he was recognized as a sex symbol.

Jim Carrey

The actor grew up in a poor family, he had to work already in childhood. He did not plan to become an actor, but humor for him was in the first place. Jim’s first performance was at the local «Comedy Club». You can’t call him successful, because after that, the guy wasn’t involved anywhere and they told him he couldn’t do anything.

But two years later he tried again. And this time it worked! It was this performance that was decisive, and he decided to move to Los Angeles to try his luck and get on television. Constant auditions, participation in extras and all sorts of part-time work at the studios lasted more than 3 years. But attempts were not in vain, and aspiring actor got the lead role in a low-budget film. But not because the directors noticed his talent, but because other actors refused. And that film was Ace Ventura, which brought Jim popularity.

Demi Moore

The now-famous actress started her film career by accident. At 16, she left home and started working in a modelling agency. A year later, Demi decided to try her hand at filming. Despite participation in extras and minor roles, she did not give up. Constant auditions and rejections, new attempts and failures led her to the participation in the film «Ghost «. It was here that the girl’s popularity began.

But in spite of these examples, not everyone needs a lot of hard work to reach the screens. Some people have their way since childhood. Interested? Then read this article about children who followed in their parents’ footsteps.

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