Who do you think is the smartest and who is the stupidest?

Who do you think is the smartest and who is the stupidest?

Intelligence is not simply being able to read and understand a complicated book or watch an author’s film.

No, there are lots of different types of intelligence. You may be excellent at logic and deduction, but less good at visual analysis, or vice versa.

The image below has gone viral. The question asked is to classify the people drawn in this image from “stupidest” to “most intelligent”.

In the drawing, four men are sitting on the branches of a tree. Assuming they don’t want to fall and they all climbed voluntarily, who is the “stupidest” and who is the “smartest”?

We see that almost everyone is trying to saw off the branch on which their friend (enemy) is sitting. Number 2 cuts the branch of number 1. Number 3 cuts the branch of number 2 and number 4 cuts its own branch…

Cutting off your own branch is probably the least intelligent decision in this case, making number 4 the “stupidest”. Number 1 sees nothing at all and watches everything. Not super shiny either.

While number 2 looks slyly at number 1, number 3 quietly saws his branch. He is the only one not to fall.

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