Parents abandon child in hospital after birth: Sometimes luck surprises, sometimes misfortune
You never know what fate has in store for you: Sometimes luck surprises us, sometimes misfortune. At the end of the day, it’s all part of life, and we can only try to decide how to react to these circumstances: That’s important.
Moreover, what happens to us is very relative and subjective.The couple absolutely wanted a baby, and from the moment they heard the good news, they were delighted. The pregnancy went smoothly, as did the labour. All went well until they learned that the baby had Down’s syndrome.
She became attached to this adorable creature and decided to apply for adoption. The procedures and bureaucracy were a major obstacle and, what’s more, Santiago had already been placed with another foster family.
This wonderful story reminds us that it is possible for almost anyone to have a child, but not to foster a child. What do you think of this story?
Parents abandon child in hospital after birth: Sometimes luck surprises, sometimes misfortune