The power of maternal instinct: the cat “kidnapped” the neighbor’s puppies to take care of them

Two families lived next to one another. One had a cat, the other had a dog. It happened so that almost simultaneously both animals had babies.

The cat became a mother not for the first time, she took full responsibility for her babies, fed them and constantly licked them. But for the dog, these were the first puppies. And she did not understand at all what to do with them, sometimes she left them and ran away, the puppies constantly cried and asked for food.

When the cat heard the cry of the puppies, apparently her maternal heart could not stand it. She snuck into the neighbor’s yard and began to carry the puppies one by one and began to feed her foster children.

When the owners of the dog noticed that the puppies were gone, they began to look for them, but they were nowhere to be found.

Then the third neighbor said that she saw how the cat was dragging the puppies. And the owners of the cat, noticing the “replenishment” in their household, decided to leave everything as it is. In this case, the foster mother turned out to be more responsible than the biological one.

A mother is not the one that gives birth to the children, but the one who cares about them.

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