The forester took pity on the hungry female wolf and two months later the three wolves thanked him.

On a cold winter day, a forester met a female wolf, who was on the verge of complete exhaustion. In the forest in winter, finding food turns into a real test, and the unfortunate animal, which was already desperate, realized that there was nothing to lose and approached the lodge.

At first, the forester named Styopa was frightened, and then he nevertheless took pity on the wolf and gave her some meat to eat. He knew better than anyone else, how hard it is to find food in the forest in winter.

The wolf came a couple more times, and the villagers began to panic when they learned that Stepan decided to feed the predator. They feared that she might steal their cattle, but an experienced forester explained to them that it would be much more dangerous if the animal remained hungry, and then it would become dangerous not only for the cattle but also for the inhabitants of nearby villages themselves.

With the onset of spring, the wolf stopped coming, but the forester was already used to her. With the onset of the warm season, there was already plenty of food. People from the villages calmed down, but the forester himself felt sad because he had already managed to become attached to his friend.

However, by the end of April, the wolf ran to visit him once more, we note that this time she did not appear alone, but grabbed her cubs. The forester realized that not only did she eat meat, but also fed her wolf cubs. Gratitude was visible in the eyes of the predators, and he did not see his forest wolf friend again.


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