Guy singing a male-female duet effortlessly gains 9.2 million views

On the YouTube channel ‘RoomieOfficial’ we get a chance to see ‘CaseyOfficial’ and his first attempt to sing male and female voices in one song. Many other singers have tried this and succeeded on YouTube.

Filmed in Westminster, London, this video shows the beautiful sights of the city, until Casey gets his skateboard stolen! There’s a lot of humour mixed in with Casey’s attempt to learn a new singing skill.

He confesses his new interest in singing by the name of Marcelito Pomoy. Casey shows samples of Marcelito’s work, and they impress the imagination. He does have the ability to sing like a man or a woman.

Casey returns to his music studio to try his hand at singing in both ranges. He sings a passage in a low male voice and then a part in a higher female voice. Having tried it, he laughs and says, ‘Well, that was quite difficult!’

He explains that the trick is to sing with his falsetto or “head voice” with an expression. If he presses too hard and sings too loud, he will reveal his male voice. He’s starting to emulate another famous YouTuber, Nick Peter. Casey’s trying to sing along to Nick and even Marcelito.

Casey goes on another journey to the airport to pick up his parents and brother, who flew in from Sweden. There’s some heartwarming interaction with his family. He gives them candy and teases his brother about his tan and recent shave.

He goes into his second attempt to sing like a woman and a man. A cartoon image comes up on screen to add comedy to the experiment. Casey doesn’t feel like his performance is close to the greats, but he knows it is better than before. He closes the video with a skateboard trick that is comically underwhelming.

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