A young man saved a moose and now she visits him every single day she visits him.

Once Erikas Plukas from Lithuania, on his way home, came across a baby моосе lying alone at his gate. The guy shared that the sight was heartbreaking. The moose was completely emaciated, covered in mud and insects.

Noticing the man, she wanted to run away, but her weakness did not allow her to do so. The young man thought that the mother of the baby was most likely shot by hunters, and the baby remained helpless.

Erikas could not leave the animal in such a state and left it with him. From that day began the story of their amazing friendship.

At first, he gave the baby food every four hours and slept next to him in the barn so to always be there for him.

When the moose got strong enough to survive on its own in the forest, it was time to let it go. He did not want to take this step, but he realized that it would be more useful for the animal.

You might think that the friendship ended there? Not at all. The moose regularly visits her savior to this day. It seems that she is already pregnant, so soon Erikas will be waiting for a whole moose family to visit, which he is immensely happy about.

And we will follow the development of events. We are sure that soon the continuation of this wonderful story will appear on the network, which we will read with great pleasure.


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