A woman whose son sells her house decides to leave the inheritance to her neighbour’s daughter. – Story of the day

After selling his mother’s house and moving her into a nursing home, Jake never bothered to check up on her. However, his interest was piqued when it came to claiming his inheritance, so he rushed to his mother’s solicitor’s office. To his surprise, he learned that his mother had left her fortune to a woman called Mrs McKinsey, whom he had never heard of. Determined to reclaim what he believes is rightfully his, Jake resorts to drastic measures.

“Glad you could make it, Jake,” Mr Thompson shook Jake’s hand and sat down across from him.
“So what’s going on, Mr Thompson?” Jake shifted anxiously in his seat. “I’m hoping the will will be fairly straightforward, as I expect Mum’s assets to be mine.”
Mr Thompson sighed and put his hands on the table. “I’m afraid that’s not the case here, Jake,” he said. “I understand your expectations, and that’s why I thought it would be better to discuss this in person. Your mother’s will is quite… unusual. And she wanted you to know about it.”
“What? What do you mean?” Jake’s body stiffened.
“Well,” the lawyer sighed. “She decided to leave her entire fortune to a foundation dedicated to psychiatry, making Mrs McKinsey the trustee of her money. Here,” Mr Thompson showed him the will.
Jake’s eyes were wide at the reading of the document. “Are you kidding me? Who is this Mrs McKinsey? I’ve never heard Mum mention her!”

“As for the relationship between your mother and Mrs McKinsey, Jake, she’s the daughter of your mother’s old neighbour and a doctor in a psychiatric hospital. How and why your mother came to the decision to transfer the assets to her is beyond my jurisdiction.

Jake’s phone rang, but he ignored the incoming call. “I still don’t get it. Why would Mum…” The phone buzzed with another call, infuriating Jake. He cancelled the ring but then there was another call and then another. He was about to turn the phone off when a message flashed across the screen.

“If you don’t pay the money back in 72 hours, you’re dead! Time’s running out, loser!”

Jake gulped at the sight of the message and his fear escalated.

“You’re all bloody idiots!” he shouted in frustration. “You’re supposed to be my mother’s goddamn lawyer, but you’re actually useless! She gives all her money to her bloody neighbour’s daughter and you say you have no authority to undo this nonsense? Well, my mother was manipulated into transferring the money. Why else would she cut her son out of the will?”

“Jake, please relax,” the lawyer said calmly. “I’ve already told you it was your mother’s decision and I’m not the one to question her decisions.”

“Well, I’m coming back to claim what’s mine, sir! Every penny of that inheritance! I’m going to nail that sneaky woman who stole my mother’s money!” Jake shouted and left Mr Thompson’s office, slamming the door behind him.

Jake got into his car and drove to the psychiatric hospital in Denver where Mrs McKinsey worked as a senior neurologist. He had looked her up online and her name was the first to come up in the search results.


Sarah looked at her office door as a man walked in and sat across from her, despite her assistant trying to keep him out of her office.

“I’m Dr McKinsey,” she offered her hand for a shake, and Jake took it.

“You can call me Jake. I’m Rose’s son.”

“Oh, I see. I think I know why you’re here, Jake,” Sarah leaned back on the table and folded her hands.

“Well, I’m glad you do, because I don’t think I can look at your face for very long!”

“I understand your frustration, Jake,” Sarah said calmly. “It’s only natural that you’re angry about your mother’s decision. But hear me out before you judge her. You have an older brother, Jake. And he is not like you. He has autism. And given his condition, your mother was only trying to ensure his well-being and safety.

Jake’s face went pale. “What? What are you talking about? I’m an only child!”

Sarah met his eyes. “We’ve been treating him here for 25 years. Ever since he accidentally poured boiling water on you when you were just a year old.”

“Jesus Christ!” Jake gasped and stared into oblivion for a few seconds. “Well then,” he said suddenly, rolling his eyes, “why don’t we consider an equal division of assets here? I don’t care what you do with him, but I want half the money. 50-50. Fair share,” he suggested. “I despise the fact that you’ve had control of my mother’s money for so long, but it is what it is. As her son, I’m entitled to my fair share!”

“I’m sorry, Jake, but that’s not possible,” Sarah shook her head and leaned back in her chair. “The funds were earmarked for your brother’s treatment and support, and that’s the way it’s going to stay. As trustee, it’s my duty to ensure that the money goes where it’s supposed to.”

“Who the hell are you to decide that I don’t get a share?” Jake jumped up and pointed his finger at her. “You know what, this discussion isn’t going to solve anything! I know a better way. Get ready for a lawsuit, Mrs McKinsey, because I WILL SEE YOU IN COURT!”

Jake stormed out of Sarah’s office and headed straight for the car park. Part of him knew that his mother had left him out of the will because he’d been a neglectful son, never bothering to look after her. But he was her flesh and blood and deserved his inheritance. Approaching his convertible, Jake stopped in his tracks as he saw the silhouette of a man behind the wheel. “What the hell? Who is that now?” he wondered.

Jake pulled open the car door.

“Arnie drove this car,” the man said, turning to Jake. “Every Saturday when Arnie’s mum came to visit, she’d let Arnie look at this car. Arnie doesn’t like it now! It was better with the brown seats. Better with a brown seat. Better! Better!”

Jake froze. How did this weirdo know about the seats?

Jake’s heart skipped a beat as he realised who the man in the car was. He composed himself as he looked at Arnie.

“What was Arnie’s mother’s name?” Jake asked. “Would Arnie tell me?”

Arnie looked at Jake for a moment, then turned away. “Arnie misses his mum,” Arnie said quietly. “Arnie’s mum is Rose. Rose.”

As if he had seen a ghost, Jake backed away. But in the next moment, Jake was struck by what he thought was a brilliant plan.

“Oh, well, you know what, Arnie? I’m sure your mum misses you too. Hey, do you want to get out of here? It must be boring here, right? We could go for a long drive. That would be fun! I’m sure the people here won’t let you!” Jake forced a smile.

“Arnie can go? Go out? Really?”

“Of course you can, Arnie! What are you afraid of? You’re an adult and you can make your own decisions. How about you get in the passenger seat so I can take you somewhere nice before anyone sees us?”

Arnie nodded cautiously, then got into the passenger seat.

“Well done, Arnie!” Jake smiled as he got behind the wheel and helped Arnie with the seatbelt.

Jake drove away from the hospital with Arnie, who had no idea he was being kidnapped by his own brother. After a while, Jake’s phone buzzed and when he picked it up, it was Sarah’s worried voice. She knew Jake was behind Arnie’s disappearance because she had checked the CCTV in the car park.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Jake? Do you realise what you have done? Bring Arnie back!” Sarah held back her anger during the call, but felt like she was about to explode.

“Why should I listen to you? Arnie is not a child, Sarah! He’s a grown man who knows what’s best for him. Call me if you want to talk about my offer,” Jake started to hang up, but Sarah stopped him.

“Jake, wait. You don’t realise this, but what you’re doing is very selfish and dangerous. Arnie sometimes has panic attacks, and he could easily hurt himself or others fatally if he’s having an attack. Look, just get him back here.”

“Come on, Sarah, you can do better than that,” Jake laughed. “If you’re so worried about the fool, take up my offer and we can divide Mum’s estate fairly. In the meantime, we’ll take a trip to my house in Los Angeles. It would be interesting to see you lose in court once this fool gets used to me and wants to live with me. And then I won’t just have half the money, I’ll have the whole inheritance. See you later!”

Jake and Arnie stopped near a petrol station. “Don’t go anywhere, Arnie. I’ll get some things for our trip and be right back,” he said as he got out of the car.

As Jake handed the money to the cashier, a voice distracted him.

“Arnie should get two dollars and 85 cents back. $2.85!”

“Arnie?” Jake looked at him. “I told you to stay in the car, didn’t I?”

“Well, looks like you’re faster than my machine!” the cashier grinned. “Let’s give you a little challenge, shall we? One that most people can’t solve without a calculator.”

“Nah, sir. You’re wasting your time,” Jake waved his hand dismissively. “I think Arnie just made a good guess. We should get going. We’re in a bit of a hurry. Thanks for this.” He picked up the snacks he had bought.

“Sir, you may be underestimating him. I saw him scan the notes in your hand and calculate the exact change! It shouldn’t take long!” The cashier rubbed his hands excitedly. “All right, Mr Arnie! Let’s see how well you do with this mathematical challenge. What’s the square root of 148,148?”

“384,899 approximately. Approximately,” Arnie replied within seconds.

“Impressive! But let’s raise the stakes,” the cashier chuckled. “What’s the cube of 135?”

“2,459,875,” Arnie replied with a smile.

“OK, OK,” the cashier nodded in agreement. “But I bet you won’t get this one right. What’s 4 raised to the power of 11?”

“419,430…” Arnie paused, “4! 419,430,4! Arnie got it!”

“Wow!” Jake gasped.

“Bravo! I told you, sir! Your friend is a genius! A maths wizard. Amazing, isn’t he?” the cashier smiled at Jake.

“But how do you even know if what he said was the right answer?” Jake asked.

“I only knew how to answer these questions, Sir. I have only tried these sums with other people. In fact, my brother has a son who is autistic. I’m always amazed at the talents of these people. As they say, God is always fair. When He takes something away, He gives something back. I can see that your friend has something that we normal people don’t have. His arithmetic is incredible!”

Arnie couldn’t contain his excitement as he stood there listening to his praise. “Arnie is happy! Arnie is a genius! Genius!” he shouted as he knocked an open pack of toothpicks to the floor.

Arnie’s face immediately changed and a fear took over him. “No! No! No!” He grabbed his head and began to pace. “Arnie dropped 92 toothpicks!”

Jake was taken aback by Arnie’s precise counting and attention to detail. “Good Lord! How the hell did you know there were 92 toothpicks in that pack, Arnie? You counted them all?”

Arnie nodded hastily and an idea popped into Jake’s head. “Actually, you know what, I’ll take a pack of playing cards too,” Jake paid the cashier and they left the shop.

“All right, Arnie, let’s put that incredible memory of yours to the test,” Jake said as they reached their car. “I bought this deck of cards for a fun game, OK? I’m going to shuffle them thoroughly and deal them out one at a time. Your job is to remember the order in which the cards are dealt. Are you ready?”

Arnie nodded. “Ready. Ready.”

“Alright, here we go,” Jake shuffled the deck and began to deal the cards – Ace of Spades, Six of Hearts, Three of Diamonds and then Queen of Clubs. After dealing a few more cards, Jake paused, amazed at Arnie’s attention.

“Arnie, are you sure you can keep up? I mean, this is getting pretty impressive.”

“Arnie remembers everything. Remembers maps,” Arnie said.

“All right then, let’s get on with it.” Jake resumed dealing the cards – king of diamonds, nine of clubs, four of spades. As Jake dealt more cards, his surprise grew. Eventually he finished dealing the whole deck.

“That’s it, Arnie. All 52 cards are dealt. Now let’s see if your memory is up to scratch. Name the cards in the exact order I dealt them.”

With his eyes fixed on Jake, Arnie began to recite the names of the cards. “Ace of spades, six of hearts, three of diamonds, queen of clubs, king of diamonds, nine of clubs, four of spades -”

“Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, Arnie! Do you remember all 52 cards? You really have an incredible gift, Arnie. You’re a card memory genius!”

“Arnie is a genius! A genius!”

“Hey, hey, buddy… Listen… I’ve got an idea, OK?” Jake said to Arnie. “We’re going to a place where we can really use that gift you have and make a lot of money, all right? Just help me and do what I say. Come on. Get in the car.”

Hours later, Arnie and Jake found themselves at a blackjack table, the vibrant atmosphere of the casino thrilling Jake. The clinking of chips and shuffling of cards filled the air, but Arnie’s eyes were fixed on the cards in the dealer’s hand.

As the cards were dealt, Arnie’s gaze alternated between the cards and the dealer’s hand, while Jake rubbed his palms anxiously, hoping for a big win.

“Arnie sees two of spades… and… nine of hearts,” Arnie told Jake quietly.

“All right, Arnie, remember what we talked about in the car,” Jake leaned closer to Arnie. “You make your calculations or whatever it is you do, and then you tell me quietly what move to make. We do this because we want to win big, OK?” he whispered.

“Win big…move. Yeah, Arnie remembers.”

“Great. Now concentrate.”

Arnie processed every card, probability and strategy with incredible speed as the game unfolded. Jake looked at Arnie’s concentrated face and grinned.

“Arnie, what should we do next? Hit or stand?” he asked.

“Arnie says pot! Hit!” Arnie whispered in Jake’s ear.

“Hit us, please.”

As the dealer dealt another card, Arnie leaned closer to Jake again. “Stand! Arnie…deal.”

Jake smiled at his brother. “All right, Arnie. We’ll stand. Let’s see how it goes.”

Arnie’s skills shocked everyone in the casino. He and Jake won every hand, drawing suspicious looks from some of the onlookers. But Arnie and Jake continued to play, amassing a whopping $100,000.

“Oh God, Arnie! You killed it!” Jake whispered, completely amazed at their big win.

“That guy with you is the reason you’re winning! Don’t get too excited, kid!” the voice of a spectator distracted Jake. “Who is he, eh? Would you mind changing sides, man?” the guy asked Arnie.

Jake noticed people staring at them suspiciously as he swept his eyes across the table. Some were whispering behind their backs, wondering how he and Arnie had managed such a winning streak. And it wasn’t just the people around them.

Jake’s heart pounded and his hands went cold as he happened to notice a casino employee giving Arnie a strange look. These people would find out the tactics behind Jake’s big win if he and Arnie stayed there any longer.

Jake couldn’t afford to get into trouble and lose the money he’d won after receiving a series of threatening messages from moneylenders demanding their money back. He had to get out.

“Uh, well, sir, I’m sorry, but that wouldn’t work. My brother and I have to be somewhere,” Jake turned to Arnie. “Arnie, it’s time to cash out. We’ve had a lot of fun here and, um, it would be better if we left now, all right?”

“Cash out…time to go. Arnie understands.”

Jake and Arnie cashed out their chips and hurried out of the casino before it was too late.

“Phew! That was close!” Jake sighed as they walked back to their car. “Hey Arnie, thanks for today man. What you did in there was just incredible!”


“Yeah, Arnie, yeah. You did it! And we need to celebrate what we did! Let’s get a beer together!”

An hour later, Arnie and Jake were in a pub, celebrating their victory and enjoying their drinks, when Jake caught a whiff of a woman’s perfume. A woman joined them in the corner booth, grinning.

“Well, you two were looking too lonely, so I thought I’d keep you handsome men company,” she seductively ran her fingers over Jake’s shoulder, then sat down next to Arnie. “So what are we celebrating? Sorry, I sort of overheard you.”

Arnie moved away from the woman, his gaze fixed on her. “Arnie and Jake-”

“Er, Arnie, it’s OK,” Jake cut in. “Nothing big, you know. We just got lucky in a game earlier and thought we’d have some fun. Celebrate and have a few drinks. Would you like to join us now that we’ve attracted the attention of a gorgeous lady? You’re beautiful.”

“Pretty… says Arnie. Pretty.”

The woman smiled. “I’m flattered…and I’d love to join you, as I could hardly resist the allure of two handsome men celebrating their good fortune. I’m Samantha.”

“Jake, and this is my brother, Arnie.”

“By the way, didn’t you say you were celebrating? Well, since I’m a regular here, I know just the drink to make this evening special,” she smiled. “Don’t move, handsome.” She kissed Arnie on the cheek before she left.

Jake noticed Arnie’s eyes following Samantha across the room to the bar. For a moment Samantha turned, looked at them and waved, and Arnie grinned shyly at her.

“Looks like someone’s in love,” Jake joked as he sipped his drink. “Hey Arnie, have you ever been on a date? Kissed anyone, at least?”

Arnie shook his head.

“What? Oh God, Arnie!” Jake laughed. “Never? Do you like Samantha? Look, you still haven’t had your first kiss and it’s time to change that, OK?”

“Change? Arnie wants a change. Does Jake want a change?” asked Arnie.

Jake really went into deep thought at this point. Jake’s life was a mess. Unlike Arnie, he’d had his first kiss and even dated a lot of girls. But now he didn’t have anyone – not even a girlfriend – his dad was dead and his mum was in a nursing home. Deep down, Jake was really lonely. In some ways, he was no different from Arnie.

“Uh, for now, I want you to experience life, Arnie,” Jake composed himself. “All these years you’ve been stuck in that mental hospital with no access to the fun we get to have. So I’m going to arrange your first date ever! You can thank me later, mate.” He winked and disappeared behind the bar.

Arnie watched anxiously as Jake laughed and talked to Samantha. Arnie’s heart fluttered when Samantha looked at him and smiled.

“So deal…right? I’ll give you about $6,000 if you sleep with my brother,” Jake offered to Samantha.

“You said you got lucky in a casino, and come on, I saw the way you were holding that bag of yours. I know you’ve got a lot of money in there. $8,000 if I sleep with your crazy brother… because I’m more interested in you.” She grinned.

“Hey, watch what you say, OK?” Jake warned. “If you don’t want the money, that’s fine.”

“No, no, wait,” Samantha paused. “It’s fine. I’ll do it!”

Jake, Arnie and Samantha left the bar and headed for a hotel.

“Arnie’s nervous…Arnie wants Jake to stay,” Arnie began to insist as they reached the hotel room that Jake had booked for Arnie and Samantha.

“Er, don’t worry Arnie. I’ll be right outside in the hall. I’ll give you and Samantha some privacy. All the best! Go now!”

Jake retired on a chair in the hallway, waiting for Arnie and Samantha to come out. He didn’t realize when he dozed off, hugging the bag of cash in his arms. Within half an hour, a ting echoed in the hallway, and the lift door opened.

“SHUT UP, DUDE! I’M SERIOUS AS HELL!” A heavy voice boomed from Arnie and Samantha’s room, and Jake was startled awake.

Jake noticed the door to Arnie’s room was open, and he rushed inside, only to see a tall man aiming his shotgun at a mumbling Arnie. Samantha lay on the bed, wrapped in sheets and terrified. Jake ran across the room to shield Arnie.

“What the hell is going on here? Point that gun away!” Jake yelled.

“How dare he sleep with my wife, huh?! And who are you?” The man aimed at Jake, then at Samantha. “I’m going to shoot all of you!”

“Honey, please, calm down,” Samantha begged as she got down from the bed.

“Man, we didn’t mean you any harm. Let’s talk this through. No need for violence.”

“Jake, you can pay him back! You got the money from the casino!” Samantha turned to Jake. “It’s the only way to save us.”

“Holy crap! Did you have to bring that up? Okay, all right, sir, listen, take the money, but on the condition that you don’t hurt anyone, okay? Please.”

“I’m just taking what’s rightfully mine! Put the bag on the bed!” he shouted, making Arnie tremble with fear.

Arnie’s body convulsed as he went into a seizure. He grabbed his head and began to cry.

“Arnie doesn’t want to be here! Arnie has been hurt by bad people. They’re hurting him. Hurt him.”

Arnie banged his head against the wall, then ran to the window and swung it open.

“God, no! Arnie!”

Jake dragged his brother into the room at the last second, pressing his body weight against the carpet and waiting for Arnie to calm down in his embrace. Arnie curled up on the carpet and made mooing noises.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry, Arnie. Please. Please, calm down,” Jake said in tears. “I shouldn’t have got you into this. I’m so sorry.”

An hour later, Arnie’s body finally relaxed and his breathing evened out. Jake sighed with relief, glad the worst was over. Of course, the couple were gone, as well as the winnings that might have saved Jake from the wrath of the creditors.

“Arnie, they took everything. Every last penny. We’ve been had,” Jake sighed disappointedly.

After leaving the hotel, Jake took Arnie back to the psychiatric hospital, knowing that the facility was the safest and most appropriate environment for his brother.

Jake got out of the car when they arrived at the hospital and waited until Arnie was out of sight.

“It’s been fun having you around, Arnie. And I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused,” Jake whispered as he turned to leave. The ringing of his phone reminded Jake that his creditors were still waiting for their money, but he had no idea how he was going to pay them now.

“Jake, stop! I know it’s you!” A voice startled Jake as he cancelled the call. He turned to see Sarah.

“What do you want now? I got Arnie back, just like you wanted.”

“You’ll never get custody of him because you played a prank on your own autistic brother, Jake, by kidnapping him from the hospital,” Sarah said as she crossed her arms. “But I’m prepared to help you.”

Jake’s eyes lit up. “What? You want to help me? Why?”

Sarah took a cheque out of her jacket pocket and handed it to him. “Because you never would have brought Arnie back here if you hadn’t put your brother’s welfare before your own,” she said.

“Oh God,” Jake read the amount on the cheque. “Thank you, Sarah. I wasn’t expecting this.” It was enough to cover his debts.

“Can I ask for anything else?” Jake asked. “Can I visit Arnie?”

Sarah smiled. “Anytime. After all, you were a decent brother to Arnie.”

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