Most of us imagine ourselves living our senior years in a very “classic” way: perhaps we imagine ourselves sitting in our armchair at home, with our coveted retirement and a series of quiet days spent tending to our occupations, to participate in a card game group or to join a pétanque club. One lady, however, has chosen a decidedly more “adventurous” lifestyle. After becoming a widow in 1997, a Florida woman decided to honor her late husband’s wishes and live at sea forever. She sold all her possessions and chose to spend her old age aboard a cruise ship. Lee Wachtstetter – or simply known as Mama Lee – worked for decades as a nurse. One day she met Mason Wachtstetter on a beach in Hollywood and they fell in love. The couple had four beautiful children with whom they loved spending time together. It was Mason who introduced Mama Lee to cruising. To this day, at the age of 93, the old lady continues to live her dream old age across the world. Some of the ship’s 655 crew members have taken to calling her Mama Lee: “No one can pronounce my last name, so I’m fine with that,” the woman said. Ms. Wachtstetter rarely goes ashore, but stays in touch with her family via computer and visits them when the ship docks in Miami.
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