Our home is our sanctuary. It’s the place where we should feel safest, the place where we can find the rest we deserve after a long, tiring day.
Our home is our comfort zone and we should never feel threatened when we’re inside.
To ensure that no one violates their privacy, many people install surveillance cameras on their property, but even then, burglars find ways of breaking into homes.
The woman was home alone when she heard a knock on the door. The knocking turned into a banging.
As the knocking got louder, she became frightened and decided to wait a while before going out and checking if anyone was still there.
After a while, as the person seemed to have left, she went downstairs and opened the front door, and that’s when she noticed that there was a rubber band on the doorknob. Perplexed and not knowing what it could be, she decided to call the police to report the incident.
When the police arrived at her home, they explained that other people in the area had reported rubber bands on their doorknobs, and why thieves would place them there.