39-year-old woman has had 38 children with one man: Look at what her life has been like

A 39-year-old woman has had 38 children with one man: See what her life has been like


The protagonist is Mariam Nabatanzi. Almost everyone in Uganda knows her. She became famous when she became a mother of many children.

Some people think she has four children, others seven, but no more. Who would have thought that the protagonist was the mother of thirty-eight children? Reactions on the Internet are mixed. Some see Mariam as a heroine, others do not understand why she has done this to herself and her family.
In any case, she has already managed to win the title of “most fertile woman”.

She is respected throughout the world. All her children have been born naturally. She has never complained of any complications.
Her youngest child is currently five months old. Mariam was married at the age of 13. Unfortunately, her husband abused her from the beginning.

The journalist who heard the story opened a bank account. People are sending money to help Mariam raise her children.

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