The kid brought home a shivering puppy from the street, and the mother couldn’t kick the dogout

Yana has always thought of herself as a cat person. There have always been cats in her life, which the girl very often took from the street and brought home. Remarkably, Yana didn’t even think about having a dog, but soon things have changed!

The woman’s nine-year-old daughter went to practice, but she didn’t come back alone. It turns out the girl found a wet and frozen puppy on the street, shivering with cold and fear.

Child brought home a trembling puppy from the street, and the mother could not drive him away

The girl felt sorry for the baby, so she took him in her arms and brought him home.

Yana looked at her daughter, who was gently pressing the frozen animal to her chest, and realized that a dog would now live in their house.

Child brought home a trembling puppy from the street, and the mother could not drive him away

The girl did not even expect to get closer to the pet, because initially, she did not trust in the success of this venture. She was afraid that the puppy would be thrown out into the street again and did not want such a destiny for him.

Now the dog is called Mukhtar, and the whole family adores him. Yana never regretted having a puppy in her house because he became the favorite and the sun in the house.

Child brought home a trembling puppy from the street, and the mother could not drive him away

Laughing, Mukhtar’s owner says that he goes with them three times a day, not them. Who would have thought that a little street puppy would be so lucky? Thanks to the girl for not passing by the puppy on the street!

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