For more than a year, a pretty dog named Lily lived within the walls of the shelter. During this time, many of her friends have already been taken away, and for some unknown reason this baby was unlucky.
She was not only very cute, but also friendly, smart and well-mannered, did not have any health problems and the staff of the shelter wondered why such a nice dog is still not needed by anyone.
One woman often helped the shelter, she made donations or brought food, took the dogs for a walk, and was very worried about little Lily, whom the owners had sent to the shelter as they were moving.
Usually young dogs were taken in a month or two, but nobody looked after Lily and she stayed at the shelter for a whole year. Also, an event was regularly held in this shelter, during which the pets were introduced to potential owners and gave them the opportunity to communicate.
Lily that day pleased many with her cheerful character, but still they did not want to take her away and the baby herself understood this and drooped her pretty face.
The same woman helping the orphanage was very worried about Lily and during the time she lived in the orphanage, she managed to become attached to her. And then she made the only right decision – who, if not she, will become the best housewife for this wonderful girl?
The very next day she arrived at the shelter and took Lily to her home.