Skinny street dog turned into a handsome dog when he came to kind people

It was impossible to look at this dog without pity – the poor animal was covered with mange, and it was all emaciated. It was accidentally spotted in the parking lot, and people decided to help.


Employees of the animal rescue service Sidewalk Specials in South Africa noticed this dog in the parking lot. It was impossible to look at it without pity – the poor pooch was covered with scabies, and all emaciated. It was looking for scraps and looked around warily.

The volunteers immediately determined that the dog was once a pet – it did not live on the street all the time. They checked with local residents, and they said that the family threw it out on the street… Rescuers knew they had to help. They were afraid of the dog’s reaction, but everything turned out to be much simpler.

The dog trusted people. When a volunteer named Rachel threw a collar with a leash on it, treating it to a bone, it did not even resist but looked at her hopefully. The dog was put in a car and taken to the vet clinic.

In the clinic, the dog was actively recovered. It was given medicines and took care of the condition of its fur. Later, the dog was given the nickname Gray, and it began to blossom a little. It realized that it was safe here, and no one would hurt it.

After a few weeks of treatment, Gray was incredibly transformed. Its scabies was cured, and it grew a new, soft fur. The dog became a handsome animal, and it was simply unrecognizable compared to the timid creature that had recently been brought to the shelter…

Then they found owners for Gray – it fell into the most caring hands, and also – it had a kindred brother. Now Gray is happy, and enjoys every day of its life!

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