In the middle of the night, this family heard terrible moans. When they went outside, they couldn’t believe their eyes.

This Doberman was honorably buried in Sebekapur (India) after saving his family from poisonous cobras. At the cost of his own life.

The dog lived with his new owners for only a few months.

One night the family woke up to loud barking and terrible moans. Sensing something was wrong, the owners of the Doberman immediately ran out into the yard, where they found their dog in a fight with several cobras.

The dog desperately struggled with the snakes, preventing them from entering the house. The opponents were defeated. But after a couple of seconds, the poison took effect, and the brave Doberman fell to the ground. Nothing else could save the dog. He spent the last minutes of his life with people he loved and protected.

Посреди ночи эта семья услышала ужасные стоны. Выйдя на улицу, они не поверили своим глазам.

“I’m in shock! He sacrificed himself for us. He will always remain in our memory,” says Raita Dibakar, the owner of the Doberman.

The whole village gathered at the funeral of the hero. Everyone had to salute such incredible devotion.

Посреди ночи эта семья услышала ужасные стоны. Выйдя на улицу, они не поверили своим глазам.

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