This lonely kid wandered to people asking for help. Although he was very afraid of everything around him and trembled with fear. There was hope in the red kitten’s eyes.
A small red kitten was found in the yard of a house in Melbourne, Australia. A lonely kid wandered to people asking for help. He was very skittish. And when they tried to approach him, he immediately ran away. Then the residents of the house decided to contact the shelter Cheltenham Cat Rescue.
An employee of the shelter named Marlene came for a kitten. She immediately took him to her for overexposure. The baby was given the nickname Dave. At first, he was afraid of the new environment and constantly hid from his guardians. He only occasionally came out to eat from his hiding place.
When Dave realized that he was safe here, he began to open up more and more. Soon he got used to people and affection. And a few days later he asked his guardian to stroke him. He turned out to be a very gentle and sweet boy.
Later, the kid met other cats on overexposure, and his shyness finally disappeared. Dave spent a lot of time with new friends. And every day he enjoyed a new life. In addition, he often played, and purred on the lap of the guardian.
When the time came, the owners were found for the kitten. One family fell in love with him, and took him to themselves. Now Dave lives happily surrounded by loving people!