Video: Wife refused to pull the plug on her husband, he woke up 3 years later and said 2 words

Video: Wife refused to pull the plug on her husband, he woke up 3 years later and said 2 words
Matt and Danielle Davis hadn’t been married a year when Matt was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident. In July 2011, he crashed into an illegally parked car as he was entering a highway. His injuries were numerous and serious: multiple fractures, organ damage and brain trauma. He was placed on respiratory assistance and remained in a coma.
Follow your intuition
The doctors recommended that Danielle pull the plug on her husband, as there was a “90% chance” that he would never wake up from the coma. In addition to multiple fractures of the femur, jaw, ribs, collarbone and skull, his liver was lacerated and he suffered severe brain damage. As a result, he had a 10% chance of waking up and only a 5% chance of making a full recovery. In a TV interview, Danielle revealed that the doctors had told her that, if it was up to them, they would pull the plug.
“I knew God could get us out,” she said. “I knew God could get us through this. I didn’t think it was too big for God,” she added. Till death do us part
Danielle returned to live with Matt at his mother’s house, where they both cared for him.

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