What is the reason for people knitting sweaters for elephants? The answer to this question will shock you.


There is an elephant rescue and holding centre in northern India. Winters in the area can be chilly, so the volunteers decided to knit jumpers for the elephants.

It takes about a month to make one jumper for the largest land mammals on the planet. Volunteers want the jumpers to be not only warm and comfortable but also colourful and even fashionable.

“It is very important to protect our elephants from the cold during the extreme winter. They have survived abuse, they are weak and vulnerable and often get pneumonia,” said Kartik Satyanarayan, co-founder of the centre. “The cold also aggravates arthritis, from which the rescued animals suffer”.

Three jumpers have been knitted so far. The other elephants are saved from the cold by warm blankets.

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