A dog smells an animal moving under the snow

While walking, the dog smelled something unfamiliar, and actively started sniffing something in the snow. There, under the layer of snow, was an animal carrier.

While walking her dog in Toronto, Canada, the owner noticed that her pet was interested in something in the snow. It was cold outside, and she had no idea who might be there in this weather. She approached and saw that there was an animal carrier under the layer of snow, and inside it was a cat with frightened eyes.

The woman immediately contacted a local shelter for help so that the cat could be given urgent care. One of the shelters provided it with shelter. The shelter employee expressed her concern, noting that her “heart sank into her boots.” when she realized how cold it was outside at the time. She couldn’t understand how anyone could leave an animal to fend for itself in such conditions. She noted that had it not been for the woman and her dog, the cat probably would not have survived the night.

The rescued cat was named Paisley and was brought to the shelter, examined and cared for. At first the cat was afraid of the new people around it, but it quickly realized that it was safe here and could be itself. Its health turned out to be fine, and it was soon sent to a temporary shelter.

Paisley’s wonderful character opened up at the shelter and it turned out to be a very gentle and sweet creature. It now lives with its guardian and enjoys every day of its life in a warm home with loving people. They will start looking for permanent owners for it in a couple of weeks. Thank you, people!

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